Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ESP = Extrasensory Perception

Telepathy is the communication between two or more partners without spoken words. It is the transmission of thoughts and can consist of words, images, feelings, etc. This is similar to a two-way radio.

Communication can take place between living beings or between a living person and a spiritual entity.
My wife was born in Yugoslavia and spent the first years of her life during WW2 in the area, which now is the border between Croatia and Serbia, formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. My wife's family had received a huge territory as a grant by the Austrian Emperor for valuable services rendered to the Empire and had settled there.
During the later years of WW2 partisans challenged the German occupation. One especially dangerous aspect of this conflict were landmines. Because the situation was so dangerous my wife had a bodyguard of her own. One day strolling hand in hand with this soldier over fields considered being safe her bodyguard stepped on a landmine. The force of the explosion threw the little girl on a haystack. When she regained consciousness she still was holding this man's hand but this was all that was left of him.
The little girl was unharmed but her eardrums were pierced by the force of the explosion and it took many months until her hearing came back; it is impaired to this day. She couldn't hear and she wouldn't speak. During these silent months as in retrospect she calls them something dramatic happened. Her father had been a prisoner of war in WW1 and had been sent to Siberia. He escaped and walked on foot from Wladiwostok to India where he had contacts with suppliers for the family factories. It took three years for this epic journey. On his way he learned to speak Chinese and he learned about the culture and religions of the peoples he encountered. Her also learned about direct communication between minds, telepathy.
When the little girl had recovered from the shock she noticed that her father's thoughts materialized in her mind. With a little practice she learned to communicate with him without words. This proved to be invaluable later when the family had to leave the castle and fled to Austria. The family took refuge in a farmhouse in a remote location. There was no phone and the only contact with her father was by telepathy. Through these contacts my wife was able to tell her father where the family was and eventually he was able to join them.
Telepathic communication can also take place between a living person and the spirit of a person who lived before. - My father died shortly before I moved to Vienna to study. The change was dramatic and very hard for me. In my home village I had a special position as the son of the Maire and of one of the leading politician of our province. In Vienna I was a nobody and a poor one at that. My father had died shortly before the move and in postwar Austria there had been no occasion to make money. - The Nazis had taken everything as my father was considered an enemy of the party.
I soon developed severe depressions and became dangerously suicidal. Then, one night, my father appeared in my dreams. From then on he talked with me many times and this helped me a lot even though I did not understand what went on because I knew that my father had died. Over time as I got better the contacts became scarcer and ultimately stopped altogether, when I was all right.

When someone feels the physical pain or the mental and emotional situation of somebody else this is called tele-empathy. - When I visited a friend in Atlanta I had a bad heart attack. The test showed that my arteries were dangerously clogged and I had to undergo a quadruple bye-pass surgery. The second day after surgery my wife was allowed to talk to me on the phone. She was relieved that the surgery was successful but she had question. My wife and I are very close so she understood that she had these terrible pains in her chest. She wondered, though, why her legs below the knees were swollen and hurt badly. - As my arteries had been clogged very badly the surgeons had taken blood vessels from both my legs all the way from the knees to the ankles and transplanted them to my heart.
My legs were swollen and hurt very badly.
Feeling someone else's emotions or mental state is the most common form of a psychic phenomenon. Twins frequently are so closely connected that they feel each other's emotions whenever something out of the ordinary happens. The same situation can exist between a mother and her child or between lovers. But this also happens on a daily basis when people sense someone else's mood or emotions when they meet, talk on the phone or just think of someone.

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